フルタイトル : TrueOnline / ZyXEL P660HN-T v1 Router Unauthenticated Command Injection Exploit カテゴリ: remote exploits プラットフォーム: hardware TrueOnline is a major ISP in Thailand, and it distributes a customised version of the ZyXEL P660HN-T v1 router. This customised version has an unauthenticated command injection vulnerability in the remote log forwarding page. This Metasploit module was tested in an emulated environment, as the author doesn't have access to the Thai router any more. Any feedback should be sent directly to the module's author, as well as to the Metasploit project. There are other language strings in the firmware, so it is likely that this firmware is not only distributed in Thailand. Other P660HN-T v1 in other countries might be vulnerable too. # 0day.today @ http://0day.today/